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Being familiar with the uncomfortable…makes you comfortable…with the unfamiliar

Being familiar with the uncomfortable…makes you comfortable…with the unfamiliar.

Let that sink in a second…

What’s to fear? You know what to do. The patient is guiding you verbally and non-verbally to what the issue is, if you allow them. Trust your hands. Your responsibility is to do no harm, right? So include them in the process. Ask for feedback throughout your session(s). Inquire about your depth, location and time. Resist the urge to stay in your comfort zone and accept the opportunity to grow as a practitioner with every single patient that comes through your door.

When you are confronted with a situation that outweighs your experience, refrain from assumption. Instead, ask questions. Not to prove yourself right, but merely to comprehend the complexity. Appreciate it. Confront it. If you adapt to every situation as if you orchestrated the chaos, you may be surprised at just how prepared you actually are.

Prior to 2010, exposure to learning FDM was impossible for Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers and Massage Therapists… Then we took over. Our goal starting out was to teach a new concept of soft-tissue manual therapy that not only was objective, but also reproducible. The walls that have been knocked down have given Providers the opportunity to grow beyond the standard curriculum of our designated institutions and at the same time force our competitors and Universities to up their game.

Fast-forward…Have you noticed how everyone seems to ‘know about fascia’ now? I don’t remember that being a topic in undergrad, chiro-school, or even the ART seminars back in the day when they use to give out gold pins with diamonds for each “section” of the body… Yet still, FDM continues to evolve and expose you not only to the possible outcomes that await with a little bit of constructive reasoning, a bit of confidence and the willingness to listen, but also with the gravel & grit to recognize intuition and following the truth.

If I were wrong, I doubt Airrosti would have tried so hard to keep it a secret. Forgive me, “trade-secret”. Nor would the same people who claimed to be ambassadors of Stephen Typaldos have told me to go kick rocks back in 2010…and I quote; “simply making an exception (to teach non-MD, DO’s) IS NOT POSSIBLE. We get TOO MANY requests from Chiropractors (to “learn FDM”)… as if they owned the copyrights… And now, 2019… the imposters aren’t even close and images may be closer than they appear.

The Model you possess is powerful. Purely simple. If you truly own the Basic Principles, now is the time to unleash the Model as it was intended. Become familiar with the uncomfortable and the unfamiliar will become your stage.

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Fascial Distortion Model®