Musculoskeletal health refers to the performance of the locomotor system, comprising intact muscles, fascia, bones, joints and adjacent connective tissues; Fascial Distortion Model is THE FRAMEWORK that gives you a reproducible approach to all musculoskeletal injuries.
What You Should Know About US
The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is a treatment model in which virtually all soft tissue injuries, or musculoskeletal complaints, are viewed through one or more of the six different types of alterations to the body’s connective tissues.
FDM contains a detailed physical assessment leading to a specific diagnosis and provides substantial objective outcomes.
No annual subscription/re-certification required to treat and resolve the musculoskeletal issues that come into your office.
No protocols to memorize, no blue and purple dots, just reproducible outcomes and happier & healthier patients.

years of reproducible outcomes

FDM Principles
We start with the foundational principles; observe, treat, retest. Find it and Fix it FAST!
FDM In-Person Seminars
UPCOMING In-Person Seminars
Full Body
Full Body Principles Seminar
February 22-23, 2025
Cleveland Clinic
3175 Science Park Dr.
Beachwood, OH 44122
Full Body
Full Body Principles Seminar
March 22-23, 2025
FDM Training Facility
2762 Janitell Road,
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Full Body
Full Body Principles Seminar
April 26-27, 2024
FDM Training Facility
2762 Janitell Road,
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
OUR Mission
Fascial Distortion Model
Mission & Vision
If you could describe a Navy SEAL in one word, what would you choose? Fearless, strong, confident, prepared, and deadly come to mind. In the fall of 2014 I had the opportunity to sit down with a Navy SEAL officer and I asked him to describe in one word what being a Navy SEAL means. His answer was pure – adapt. He explained how their training is relentless, unconventional, demanding, and purposeful. They spend countless hours planning until their methods become second nature. However, after preparing and training for a mission, when they’re out in the field, the unexpected happens. When the plan breaks down, they know how to adapt and find a way to complete their mission.
The Navy SEAL echoed the thoughts of Dr. Stephen Typaldos who taught that a provider must have confidence to implement the treatments of the Fascial Distortion Model. They must use force to manually return distorted tissue to a pre-injured setting and they must adapt when there is a bad treatment outcome. This understanding of basic principles of the model combined with having the confidence to adapt to things we may not fully understand, makes its application so powerful.
Through the FDM Dr. Typaldos gave us a lens to view all treatment techniques. You don’t have to forget what you already know. Remember, FDM has been at the forefront of the fascia movement since the early ‘90s. Manual therapists all over the world have learned this model. Our task is to build upon his foundation by providing advanced FDM courses, and making FDM the first thing a healthcare provider, or patient, thinks of when they see a musculoskeletal injury.
As I always say, the Fascial Distortion Model isn’t rocket science, it’s rocket fuel. It fuels curiosity as to what else is possible.
– C. Tyrel Hummel, D.C.
President, Fascial Distortion Model
our clients
a few of our clients