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Effect of a Single Session of Facial Distortion Model Manual Physiotherapy and a Selected Foam Rolling Technique on Treatment Outcomes in Cervical Spine Overload. Pilot Study

Karolina Wiaderna, Monika Selegrat, Anna Hadamus


Background: The prevalence of neck pain is on the increase. A sedentary life style, poor ergonomics in the workplace and in daily life, and stress all contribute to neck overload. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a single session of a Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) intervention combined with foam rolling in patients with cervical spine overload. Material and methods: The study enrolled 90 patients, who were randomized to an FDM group, a foam rolling group (who exercised with a Duoball against a wall) and a control group, of 30 patients each. Mobility was measured with a digital inclinometer, pain intensity was assessed with a VAS scale and (upper and middle) trapezius tone was evaluated by sEMG. These measurements were carried out twice in each group and analysed in Matlab and Statistica 13. Results: Both groups subjected to a therapeutic intervention (FDM and foam rolling) reported a significant reduction in neck pain intensity and improved cervical spine mobility (p<0.01). The control group did not demonstrate changes in mobility or pain intensity. The resting trapezius tone did not change in any of the groups. Conclusions, 1. A single session of FDM therapy can effectively reduce and eliminate cervical spine pain, which may be of use in work-site rehabilitation. 2. Single sessions of FDM and foam rolling can effectively improve neck mobility in patients with cervical spine overload. 3. There is a rationale for conducting further prospective randomized studies of larger samples to assess the duration of the beneficial effects of both therapies and determine an optimum session frequency. Keywords: FDM; cervical spine; fascia; foam rolling. Click Here to view original article.
Fascial Distortion Model®