Fascial Distortion Model® Testimonials
“FDM offers practitioners a very simple, intuitive diagnostic and treatment capability that is specific and gets right to the heart of the problem. That is extremely important when faced with treating multiple athletes in a short period of time.”
“The big thing for us is that the athlete knows their body really well and can articulate a presentation; we just treat it accordingly. I also think the long bone Folding Distortions are valuable for the everyday grind we experience, and that’s not a technique you learn anywhere else. The Continuum Distortion is a valuable tool that is very different from anything we’ve been taught. The bottom line is that we’re a results-oriented business and FDM gets results.”
“Staying on the cutting edge is tough. FDM provides a framework for resolving injuries in a manner that is quick, reliable, and reproducible so that our athletes can keep doing what they love.”
“FDM brings together a variety of soft-tissue skills into one approach instead of a dogmatic, one-technique-fits-all. The instructors truly want to make sure you understand the approach.”
“I feel fortunate to have been introduced to the Fascial Distortion Model earlier this year. When I was told about the technique and that it was originally created by an osteopath and only taught to osteopaths, but was now going to be taught to other disciplines, I was intrigued.
I have always used joint manipulation and soft tissue techniques in my treatment approach to the various joint and soft tissue injuries that have presented in my office. However, I believe the one area that has always been either overlooked or poorly addressed, is the area of understanding fascia and treating it. Although I think that trend is changing as evident with the growth of the Fascial Research Congress which only started in 2007.
The FDM is a very unique model of assessment and treatment in that it considers 6 different types of fascial distortions and thus uses varied diagnostic and treatment approaches to correcting each. It appears to have filled a gap that was missing in my treatment tool box that I could not appreciate until I took the seminar. It was definitely an eye opener for me and has made a significant impact on my treatment outcomes.
In my clinic we have always tried to create a framework to allow everyone on our team the ability to work collaboratively and closely regardless of discipline, as well as speak the same language with respect to patient care. I believe the Fascial Distortion Model is the kind of tool that can be used to help our ‘team approach’ to patient care.”
“The patient is a 36 year old female with a left patella displaced by a fall on a railroad track while training for a 5K run. The superior surface of the patella had 4 herniated trigger points. The area was extremely sensitive to touch and greatly interfered with her ability to run. The flexion ROM was decreased due to pain. She had developed a long trigger band from the great toe to the lumbar spine.
Treatment: removed the trigger points and used heavy pressure superior to inferior to move the patella into proper position. When the patella was moving, the sensation and sound was similar to two plates of ice sliding on each other. The relief was immediate. The touch tenderness was gone, full range of motion was restored and the patient was sent out to do a walk-jog practice run. She will return next week for a follow-up.
Thank you FDM and Dr. Typaldos”
“I want to thank you for all you are doing to help patients with acute and chronic pain. I am sold on FDM to say the least. After 4 major shoulder surgeries and countless hours of physical therapy and years of chronic pain, Dr. Sepehr Zandi did one treatment on my shoulder and it has not felt this good since before I injured it in 1991…..The last visit to the Surgeons in Seattle WA. was to hear the Dr. offer reconstructive surgery or total replacement. I could not believe the relief in my pain immediately following the treatment. The next day, same thing, no pain!! 3 days later, still feeling great! Thank you Dr. Zandi, you and FDM are a class act that cares about your patients and seem to love what you do and I can’t thank you enough! I will be telling everyone about FDM!”
“I’ve had two shoulder surgeries, 5 different physical therapy sessions and 15 cortisone shots. None of this seemed to help my shoulder pain and structeral damage. The surgeries did put everything back in place, but it did nothing for fixing the pain and lack of range of motion I have expierenced. I have seen my FDM provider just three times now and my range of motion has improved 100%. Even better than that is the amount of pain that has dissapeared. I really thought the only option I had left was shoulder replacement, which is what doctors had told me was next, but I am amazed, thrilled and very grateful for my FDM provider and how much everyday activities have eased for me.”
“This seminar opened my eyes as to why certain patients don’t respond to my current methods, because I have been missing major issues. I previously did not have the frame-work to work with in.”
“Great first week using FDM. Lots of success so far. Hands need a break this weekend. Had a couple patients request to be seen by only me. Looking forward to week 2!”