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Median Nerve Pearls

Anatomy Pearls Easy to palpate the median nerve at  the inferomedial border of the biceps the wrist between the flexor carpi radialis and the palmaris longus Median nerve gives no branches in the brachium as it passes through the medial aspect.  Clinical Pearls...

Greater Occipital Nerve

Pathway: The greater occipital nerve emerges from between the first and second cervical vertebrae. It ascends the cervical spine from just inferior to the obliquus capitis inferior muscle, where it is surrounded by a fat pad. It continues superiorly under cover of the...

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve

Pathway: The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve emerges from spinal nerve L2 and L3 and is a pure sensory nerve. From its exit of the spine it passes between the two parts of the psoas muscle and emerges at its lateral aspect at the level of the iliacus muscle. The nerve...

Saphenous Nerve

Pathway: The saphenous nerve descends the thigh and into the leg to reach an area at the medial arch of the foot. Superiorly the saphenous nerve exits the femoral triangle to enter the adductor canal, just deep to the sartorius muscle. At the distal end of the...

Femoral Nerve Overview

Pathway: The femoral nerve arises from L2-L4 nerves from the lumbar plexus. The nerve forms within the matrix of the psoas major muscle and makes its way lateral and inferior to descend through the pelvis along a groove between the lateral margin of the psoas major...
Fascial Distortion Model®