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Deep Fibular Nerve

Deep fibular nerve: After splitting at the fibular head from the superficial fibular nerve, the deep fibular nerve descends sharply around the fibular head to descend anterioinferiorly to pierce the septum between the lateral and anterior compartments of the leg. and...

Superficial Fibular Nerve

Superficial fibular nerve: As the fibular nerve splits the superficial branch descends inferiorly deep to the fibularis longus muscle and just on the surface of the fibula at its proximal one-third. At the middle one-third the superficial fibular nerve descends...

Common Fibular Nerve

Common Fibular Nerve: As the sciatic nerve descends in the posterior aspect of the thigh, the fibular nerve splits off and takes a lateral course following the long head of the biceps femoris. Its pathway along the biceps femoris is a potential site of entrapment due...

Fibular Nerve Overview

Pathway: The common fibular nerve branches from the sciatic nerve at about the top border of the popliteal fossa. It follows the course of the tendon for the long head of biceps femoris to reach the fibular head. At the posterior aspect of the head of the fibula the...

Plantar Nerves

Foot: The plantar nerves descend deep to the abductor hallucis muscle to reach the plantar aspect of the foot. The medial plantar nerve lies just deep to the plantar fascia and along the medial border of the flexor digitorum brevis muscle and continues to the toes....
Fascial Distortion Model®