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Cylinder Distortion Treatments – Elbow Cylinder Distortion

Body language consisting of localized concentration of rubbing or kneading the tissues indicates the Double Thumb cylinder technique would be the most effective and efficient treatment option. Begin treatment with the thumbs on opposite sides of the centralized area...

Cylinder Distortion Treatments – Forearm Cylinder Distortion

FDM Burn Technique is considered most effective for the forearm. Utilizing the ‘marching down’ approach by starting at the elbow and ending at the wrist/hand is advised here. Squeegee Technique can be utilized as well and may be most effective by starting...

Folding Distortion Treatments – Forearm Folding Distortion

Typically patients will sweep across or hold the forearm with the hand to indicate a folding distortion of the interosseous membrane. In some cases the patient may push their fingers into the muscles of the forearm and try to pull the muscles apart from the bone....
Fascial Distortion Model®