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Folding Distortion Treatments – Thoracic Folding Distortion

The patient will use their hand to show the area of the folding distortion in the thoracic spine. If the patient is unable to reach the spot, turn around in front of the patient and ask them to show where they feel it on your back to get the correct body language and...

Folding Distortion Treatments – Shoulder Folding Distortion

Body language that is specific to refolding distortions is where the patient strokes crosswise over the joint. If the patient does this, then he must have a refolding distortion. Holding or cupping the joint suggest a folding distortion, but does not specify whether...

Folding Distortion Treatments -Elbow Folding Distortion

We rarely find folding distortions in the elbow because of the joint’s simple mechanics. For this reason, there are similarly few techniques for treating folding distortions in the elbow. Refolding distortions are caused when someone falls on their hand....

Folding Distortion Treatments – Wrist Folding Distortion

Refolding distortions occur frequently in the wrist when someone falls on an outstretched arm. Before these are treated, you should check whether a Continuum Distortion is present. This should be treated before treating a refolding distortion. Body Language...

Tectonic Fixations Treatments – Cervical Tectonic Fixation

Slow tectonic pump should be cycled thoroughly to ensure proper joint glide. The manipulative thrust should be preformed with the joint involved in neutral position. Cavitation, or an audible should serve as confirmation that the fixation has been corrected.  Seated...
Fascial Distortion Model®