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Sciatic Nerve

Pathway: Sciatic nerve leaves the greater sciatic notch and emerges on the inferior aspect of the piriformis muscle. It crosses superficial to the small external rotators of the femur, lateral to the ischial tuberosity and deep to the hamstring muscles as it descends...

Sciatic Nerve Pathway

From sacral plexus L4-S3 Anterior sacrum and piriformis •Greater sciatic notch Deep gluteal region Posterior thigh Split at approximately popliteal fossa Tibial and common fibular divisions

How I Got Hooked on Fascial Distortion Model

By Mara AbbottOlympian and CTS Contributing Editor I almost never got bodywork as a professional cyclist. Part of that decision was probably financial, but a part of it also came from a sense of pride that I didn’t need the help, that I could keep any impending...

Cervical Spine Cylinder Distortion

Cervical Spine Cylinder Distortion Proper patient position will make using the Squeegee technique possible for cervical cylinder distortions. The preferred method of patient positioning is in the seated position with the head and cervical spine of the patient in a...
Fascial Distortion Model®